Butlers Court ASC - Year 3-6 - Jan-March 2025

Wycombe Wanderers Foundation 
After School Club @ Butlers Court Primary School

WWF are delighted to be running one of our fantastic After School Clubs at your child's school.

Each week your child will take part in fun warm-ups, matches and a skills session before finishing with prizes for the Player of the Week!

What will your child need to bring?
- Football Boots / Trainers
- Their favourite football kit or PE kit
- Shin pads
- Plenty of drink
- Suitable clothing in case of inclement weather 

What will your child receive?
- Professional football coaching from our UEFA and FA licensed coaches
- Opportunity to win weekly prizes
- An end of course medal
- An opportunity to impress and gain a trial with our WWFC Elite & Development Academy

**Please ensure that you are contactable during the course in case of emergency**

Time: 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Start Date: Wednesday 8th January 2025
Finish Date: Wednesday 2nd April 2025
Number of Weeks: 12 weeks
Cost: £73.00 (inclusive of £1 booking fee)


Online Registration Form

Child's First name
Child's Last name
Date of birth

Emergency Contact's Details
Parent/Guardians first name
Parent/Guardians last name
Primary Emergency Contact number
Second Emergency Contact Number
Repeat email
Medical details
Does your child have any disabilities that we need to be aware of prior to their participation in this activity?
Price Category

Mailing list Disclaimer
We at Wycombe Wanderers Foundation would like to keep you up-to-date with the latest information, news and offers relevant to our WWF activities. This will only ever be done via email.
Are you happy for WWF to add your email to our mailing list?

Photography Disclaimer
May Wycombe Wanderers Foundationt use image(s) of the participant in printed publicity or promotional literature, to be produced by WWF, including website stories, social media content, leaflets, posters, newsletters and other display material?

Data Protection Disclaimer

The information you supply will be used by the Wycombe Wanderers Foundation for administrative purposes within the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. We shall not supply it to any third parties.

WWF Charitable Donation
Financial donations help WWF achieve positive change within our local community. If you would like to make an additional financial contribution to assist us in the work we do it would be hugely appreciated.
Would you like to make an additional donation to WWF..?
We at Wycombe Wanderers Foundation would like to keep you up-to-date with the latest information, news and offers relevant to our WWF activities. This will only ever be done via email.

If WWF is forced to cancel sessions for reasons outside of our choice/control or a participant requires a refund after booking then WWF have the right to retain the booking fee of up to £4 (depending on the cost of the activity, £1 booking fee + 2.6%) when making refunds. Cancellation would be the last resort and would often be due to a key partner influence such as either a school or venue cancelling our delivery/booking.