Claygate Primary School Dodgeball Club (Sept - Dec 2024) Years 1 - 6

Multi Sports Development Centres will be running a lunchtime Dodgeball Club at Claygate School from Wednesday 18th September to Wednesday 4th December for boys and girls of all abilities in Years 1 - 6.

Time:  Lunchtime

***Wednesday 16th October - NO SESSION***

The cost of the course will be £40.00 for the first half term and £40.00 for the second half term, £80.00 in total for the term. This is payable in two instalments, the first paid at the point of booking whilst the second is taken automatically on 29th Oct 2024 - you do not need to rebook.

If booking for the second half term only then a single payment will be taken at time of booking.

Dodgeball Club will include dodgeball challenge, messy bedrooms, and much more..

MSDC wants children to have the chance to try lots of sports that they might otherwise not experience regardless of their ability. The most important thing is that each child has fun and builds confidence in themselves while taking part.

So go on children JUST HAVE A GO you never know where it might lead you.


Sorry, no refunds