Eastwick Infant School Football Club (Jan - March 2024) Years 1 & 2

Surrey Football Coaching Centres, in conjunction with Multi Sports Development Centres, will be running after school football coaching at Eastwick Infant School from Wednesday 10th January to Wednesday 20th March for boys & girls of all abilities in Years 1 & 2.

Wednesday 10th January to Wednesday 20th March 2024
Time 3.15 - 4.15 pm.

Maximum 24 children                                                                  

The cost of the course will be £45.00 for the first half term and £45.00 for the second half term = £90.00 in total for the term.
This is payable in two instalments, the first paid at the point of booking whilst the second is taken automatically on 13th February 2024 - you do not need to rebook.

In case of inclement weather the club will still be on.

Surrey Football Coaching Centres have been established over 30 years. All coaches are F.A. Qualified who have up to date first aid, safe guarding qualifications and DBS checks.


Sorry, no refunds