Our DS Active football sessions provide opportunities for participants with Downs Syndrome. We currently have an age group of 16+ years of age.
Our players Represent Lincoln City in the DS Active National League/Cup and play competitive fixtures against other DS Active teams across the country. Our players have also been part of the Special Olympics Lincolnshire team which competes nationally and internationally.
Venue: Dean's Sport and Leisure Centre, Outdoor MUGA
Day: Saturday
Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm
Price: 1 hour session = £4.00
2 hour session = £8.00
For more information on our DS Active programme please contact our Health and Inclusion Officer or call 01522 563792.
Terms and Conditions: https://www.lincolncityfoundation.com/our-terms-and-conditions
Participant and 3rd Party Code of Conduct: https://95de94d5-370d-4c37-935d-8d280436c4ba.filesusr.com/ugd/d9bf68_fd858f4a2c55467ebb3aac3ac846cb5b.pdf