Skill Up with UK ENIC: Navigating Eastern Europe webinar series - Ukraine

Skill Up with UK ENIC: Navigating Eastern Europe webinar series 


28 August at 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (BST)

Ukraine has seen significant changes to its education system in recent years, and this webinar aims to communicate those changes and the main features of the education system. The webinar will cover both school and HE levels. 

For school, there will be a focus on the lower secondary curriculum, medium of instruction, and award of the Certificate of Basic Secondary Education (Свідоцтво про здобуття базової середньої освіти), as well as a review of its earlier iterations. For upper secondary, various school types will be discussed, and an overarching focus will be on the curriculum leading to award of the Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (Свідоцтво про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти).  

At HE level the session will look at the role of the Independent External Examination for HE entry, and changes for admissions to HE entry as a result of the current conflict. The range of different HE institutions and their associated rights to award qualifications and accreditation practices will be covered, and there will be a focus on changes due to the Bologna process. Common HE qualifications such as the Bachelor (Диплом бакалавра), Masters (Диплом магістра), and long-cycle qualifications will be included in the session, together with a focus on important documentation features 

The session will include authentic documentation to support attendees to recognise important features, as well as qualification comparabilities. 

There will also be a brief overview of what to do in the instance of a student presenting incomplete documentation or having not completed their full education. 


The key objectives of the training are: 

  • To familiarise with commonly seen school and HE qualifications from Ukraine 

  • To recognise features of documentation 

  • To see examples of authentic case studies 

  • To understand qualification comparabilities  

Target Audience 

Recommended for anyone whose work involves the consideration of students from Ukraine. 

Support materials

Delegates will receive a digital copy of all materials used.

Book on to this course

The standard cost to attend a webinar is £100 excl. VAT for members. and £130 excl. VAT for non-members.

Book all three sessions and get £40 off.

Please complete the registration form below to book your place. 

If you are a member, then you may have inclusive training places that can be used for this training session so that you can attend for free. Please contact your account manager for more information.

We will provide the webinar link with participation instructions to delegates closer to the event time.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Please note that you will need a Zoom account to join this webinar.

*Please note, payment by invoice is only available to UK ENIC members. If you are not a member, you must pay by card.


Please note: if you experience any issues booking or if you need to change your booking please contact [email protected].